Monday, 24 November 2008

Mission Statement

It looks like I'll never get the site to the state that I want it to, not without spending more effort and money than I'm prepared to at the moment so the site will have to do as it is for now. I always preferred keeping things simple and as close to default settings as possible anyway.

So a mission statement for this blog:
  • I'll try and update it at least weekly on a Monday. If I miss it's because my phone is having issues. If I know I'll be out of touch I'll post one in advance.
  • This blog is not about doing cutting edge news or tracking latest trends or keeping you up to date with hot stuff. There are lots of others who can do that far better. I know this means I won't score highly on search engines, but primarily this blog is for me to record thoughts, not for me to enhance my ego by having a large hit count.
  • Mostly the blog should consist of my larger philosophies and long term reviews. Lots of people will give you a review of a mobile phone that has just been released. FHowever in my case I'll give you a review of the mobile phone I've been using for the last 6/12 months - admittedly this may not be very useful from a buying perspective as I'll probably be a generation out of date, but it might give you ideas of things to look for in the new model.
  • I'll try not to edit posts, but where I do I'll mark them as such (excepting spelling/grammar errors).
  • I'll review and rant and rave about just about anything that interests me or incites a passion. There's already posts on subjects from motorbike to mobile phone reviews, from game strategy to conversation techniques; I plan to keep it wide and varied, random and unpredictable.
  • The blog is PG. Although many things cause me passion that are not of a PG nature the actual words themselves and the topics covered will stay safe for my nephew to read. Unless of course I explicitly mark the post otherwise...
  • I don't promise to be interesting, just honest and forthright.
I think that's it really.

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