Monday, 9 March 2009

New Speed Limit?

According to this there's plans for a 50 limit on single carrageways.

Despite the fact that quoting the governments own statistics:
  • A 40% reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road accidents;
  • A 50% reduction in the number of children killed or seriously injured (children are defined as being those aged under 16);
  • A 10% reduction in the slight casualty rate, expressed as the number of people slightly injured per 100 million vehicle kilometres

Compared with the 1994-98 average baseline, in 2007

  • The number of people killed or seriously injured was under 31 thousand, 36 per cent below the baseline.
  • The number of children killed or seriously injured was 55 per cent below the baseline.
  • The slight casualty rate was 32 per cent below the baseline.
  • In this period the traffic has risen by an estimated 16 per cent.
So things are in fact getting better.
We have to fight this! Time to get onto writetothem

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