Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Moving? Buying a House

I've been thinking about the process of moving house (which I've just completed recently).
To sum it up a few things I've noticed:

  • You have to love the property when you are considering buying, you have to want it and feel it is perfect for you. That way by the time you get it, you'll merely tolerate it.
  • It doesn't matter what budgets you make, it's more expensive than you think
  • It doesn't matter ho careful you are, there's more wrong with it than you thought.
  • Fixing things takes a lot longer than you thought.
  • It takes a lot longer to get stuff done once you've moved in
  • Ever wonder how old married couples get that way? I have stopped doing so.
  • It soon becomes clear the work you need to do on it will never end. This is good, and this is bad.
  • You'll always grow to fill the available space in the house, try and make sure you have room for expansion one way or another
  • You have more stuff to pack than you thought.
  • Rental agencies have become worse in the last couple of years at moving out inspections, but that's another story.

All in all a positive experience. I'm not looking forward to doing it again though.

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